Is Stitch Fix for Black Girls?

If you’re side-eyeing my post from the title then, this ain’t for you booboo. Feel free to visit one of my other amazing posts (I have some pretty good things up about Aladdin & apologizing to my children). This posts is for the people who are wondering the exact thing about my title. Is Stitch Fix for black girls? Do they have pieces I’m going to like? Are they going to fit my body type? Do they have prices that are affordable?I’m here to answer ALL the things for you, sis!

I am a mom to 2 young and ENERGETIC little boys. So mall trips are few and far between. And even before I had kids I’m going to just put it out there and admit it, I love clothes but I haters  shopping. The messiness of the mall triggers my anxiety. I have always been an online shopper/returner. It’s definitely how I’m most comfortable buying my clothes.

What is Stitch Fix?

Stitch Fix is a personal style service for men and women (and kids now too!). They send hand selected clothes, accessories and shoe items straight to your door monthly. Stitch Fix works with thousands of stylists across the U.S. to make sure you receive a personalized fix curated to your style.

Is it expensive?

I’m not going to lie, it can be. But it completely doesn’t have to be! You have the ability to let your stylist know the price range that you’re comfortable with paying in different categories of items. Down to splurge on handbags but not really interested in $100 shirts? Cool! Let them know!  Your stylist will absolutely send you pieces within your price range. The styling fee is only $20 per box and if you keep nothing, you’ve only spent $20 for a personal stylist! Don’t let the price (or what you think the pricing is) discourage you!

So how do I get pieces that I’m going to like?

One of the things people have been telling me most frequently when they’ve seen my Stitch Fix unboxings is they signed, got their first box and hated it and never looked back. Imma need you to get close to the screen for this piece of advice. Hear me when I say to you. DO NO DO THAT!  The great part about your fix is your stylists REQUEST feedback. There are a whole bunch of different ways you can let your stylist know what is and isn’t for you. The first box may be off, but you HAVE to give them an opportunity to get it right. And they will, if you let them.

So to answer your question, as a black girl I absolutely LOVE stitch fix. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be a fit for me, but my stylist has ensured it is! Thanks sis!

Have you tried Stitch Fix? Did you hit it and quit it?

This post is not in any way sponsored by Stitch Fix, but if you want to give it a try feel free to use my referral code to get $25 off your first box: here

Pin This For Later So You Remember How To Make the Most Out of Your Styling Options:

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